1987 Victoria Bridge Kuala Kangsar

A single track railway truss bridge, Victoria Bridge in Karai Perak. This is one of the earliest railway bridge ever built in Malaysia, officially opened by late Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah I of Perak and the British's Federated Malay States Residents-General Sir Frank Swettenham. Constructed over Perak River below, Victoria Bridge was used by those old choo choo mining train to transport tin ore from local tin mines.

Victoria Bridge was replaced by modern bridge built next to it, yet this bridge still operational and occasionally maintained by Perak Government Railways. Victoria Bridge Kuala Kangsar is so unique, the bridge actually found it other purpose today, open for public to wander, ponder and probably make their own beautiful stories about it.

Photos credit: Kmxx, Yk_lim, Sooyeeeeee and Yunie_yuan.

MMC Gamuda video below is so short yet also so precise, capturing this rustic Victoria Bridge.

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