Teluk Intan Clock Leaning Tower

Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan or Teluk Intan Clock Tower is now tilt since it was built due to soft soil foundation below it. Teluk Intan's Leaning Tower seems going to topple over anytime soon, yet there the leaning tower stand still for years.

Enter and walk inside on the tilt floor seems unusual enough, this leaning tower actually only 25meters or 3 storeys high, constructed in 1885, the top floor was just metal water tank space (now empty), saving water to ease townspeople life during dry season or water for city firefighters, second floor was admin space used by the Scouts in 1940, and from 1977 to 1992 used as a branch of the Teluk Intan's Family Planning Board. Built in bricks, resembles 8 storeys Chinese pagoda style by the contractor, Leong Choon Cheong.

Photo credit: @derrickleedong and Zakihass Amran.

The leaning tower is also a clock tower. The clock was bought and put in place by the locals funding, imported way farther from James W. Benson, Turret Clock Makers in Ludgate Hill, London.

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